Elisa de Weerd

PhD Candidate at Erasmus School of Economics & Tinbergen Insitute

I am a PhD Candidate in Economics at the Erasmus School of Economics (Erasmus University Rotterdam, EUR) and Tinbergen Insitute, under the supervision of Hans van Kippersluis (EUR) and John Cawley (Cornell University).

My research interests include health economics, labor economics, the economics of risky health behaviors, and LGBTQ+ economics. You can find more information on my research here.

Furthermore, I am a freelance editor at Dutch economic journal ESB. I edit economic articles by academics and policymakers, and host the Dutch podcast Nieuwe Economen [New Economists], in which we interview PhD candidates in different subfields of economics on their PhD research.

You can contact me at deweerd [at] ese.eur.nl.